In fiecare an, cu o zi inainte de anuntarea Nominalizarilor la Premiile Oscar, sunt anuntate nominalizarile la Premiile Zmeura de Aur. Acestea reprezinta premiile pentru aparitiile dezastruase ale cinematografiei in anul precedent. Castigatorii lor sunt anuntati cu o zi inaintea decernarii Oscarurilor, astfel incat in acest an ii vom afla pe 6 martie. Printre nominalizari filmele “Transformers: Revenge of the Fallen” si “G.I.Joe” au cate 7 respectiv 6 prezente.
In acest an se vor decerna si premiile Zmeura de Aur pentru cele mai slabe/proaste aparitii din ultimul deceniu. Lista lor se afla la final.
Lista completa a nominalizarilor premiilor Zmeura de Aur:
Cel mai slab film:
* All About Steve
* G.I. Joe: The Rise of Cobra
* Land of the Lost
* Old Dogs
* Transformers: Revenge of the Fallen
Cel mai slab regizor:
* Michael Bay – Transformers: Revenge of the Fallen
* Walt Becker – Old Dogs
* Brad Silberling – Land of the Lost
* Stephen Sommers – G.I. Joe: The Rise of Cobra
* Phil Traill – All About Steve
Cel mai slab actor:
* Will Ferrell – Land of the Lost
* The Jonas Brothers – Jonas Brothers: The 3D Concert Experience
* Steve Martin – The Pink Panther 2
* Eddie Murphy – Imagine That
* John Travolta – Old Dogs
Cea mai slaba actrita:
* Beyoncé – Obsessed
* Sandra Bullock – All About Steve
* Miley Cyrus – Hannah Montana: The Movie
* Megan Fox – Jennifer’s Body and Transformers: Revenge of the Fallen
* Sarah Jessica Parker – Did You Hear About the Morgans?
Cel mai slab actor intr-un rol secundar:
* Billy Ray Cyrus – Hannah Montana: The Movie
* Hugh Hefner – Miss March
* Robert Pattinson – The Twilight Saga: New Moon
* Jorma Taccone – Land of the Lost
* Marlon Wayans – G.I. Joe: The Rise of Cobra
Cea mai slaba actrita intr-un rol secundar:
* Candice Bergen – Bride Wars
* Ali Larter – Obsessed
* Sienna Miller – G.I. Joe: The Rise of Cobra
* Kelly Preston – Old Dogs
* Julie White – Transformers: Revenge of the Fallen
Cel mai slab scenariu:
* All About Steve – Kim Barker
* G.I. Joe: The Rise of Cobra – Stuart Beattie si David Elliot
* Land of the Lost – Chris Henchy si Dennis McNicholas
* Transformers: Revenge of the Fallen – Ehren Kruger, Roberto Orci si Alex Kurtzman
* The Twilight Saga: New Moon – Melissa Rosenberg
Cel mai slab cuplu pe ecrane:
* Jonas Brothers – Jonas Brothers: The 3D Concert Experience
* Sandra Bullock si Bradley Cooper – All About Steve
* Will Ferrell si oricine altcineva din film – Land of the Lost
* Shia LaBeouf si Megan Fox – Transformers: Revenge of the Fallen
* Kristen Stewart si Taylor Lautner sau Robert Pattinson – The Twilight Saga: New Moon
Cea mai slaba continuare sau remake:
* G.I. Joe: The Rise of Cobra
* Land of the Lost
* The Pink Panther 2
* Transformers: Revenge of the Fallen
* The Twilight Saga: New Moon
Cele mai slabe productii ale deceniului:
Cel mai slab film al deceniului:
* Battlefield Earth (A castigat 7 premii Zmeura de Aur in 2001)
* Freddy Got Fingered (A castigat 5 premii Zmeura de Aur in 2002)
* Gigli (A castigat 6 premii Zmeura de Aur in 2004)
* I Know Who Killed Me (A castigat 8 premii Zmeura de Aur in 2008)
* Swept Away (A castigat 5 premii Zmeura de Aur in 2002)
Cel mai slab actor al deceniului:
* Ben Affleck – Daredevil / Gigli / Jersey Girl / Paycheck / Pearl Harbor / Surviving Christmas
* Eddie Murphy – The Adventures of Pluto Nash / I Spy / Imagine That / Meet Dave / Norbit / Showtime
* Mike Myers – The Cat in the Hat / The Love Guru
* Rob Schneider – The Animal / The Benchwarmers / Deuce Bigalow: European Gigolo / Grandma’s Boy / The Hot Chick / I Now Pronounce You Chuck and Larry / Little Man / Little Nicky
* John Travolta – Battlefield Earth / Domestic Disturbance / Lucky Numbers / Old Dogs / Swordfish
Cea mai slaba actrita a deceniului:
* Mariah Carey – Glitter
* Paris Hilton – The Hottie and the Nottie / House of Wax / Repo! The Genetic Opera
* Lindsay Lohan – Herbie: Fully Loaded / I Know Who Killed Me / Just My Luck
* Jennifer Lopez – Angel Eyes / Enough / Gigli / Jersey Girl / Maid in Manhattan / Monster-in-Law / The Wedding Planner
* Madonna – Die Another Day / The Next Best Thing / Swept Away
sursa: wikipedia
Iubesc “Zmeura de Aur” :)) Daca ar fi dupa mine as nominaliza si porcaria de film District 9 , la categoria “Cel mai slab film”. Injurati-ma voi..toti cei care l-ati apreciat , insa mie mi s-a parut o porcarie , n-am avut rabdare sa-l vad pana la sfarsit. Abia la a doua tentativa am aceeasi parere au avut-o toti prietenii mei care l-au vazut.Pacat ca “se bate” la Oscar, in fine
As decerna premiul ptr “Cea mai slaba actrita” , “mediatizatei” Megan Fox
Cel mai slab cuplu, din nou , Megan Fox si nesuferitul ei partener , pacat de ce-au facut cu al doilea Transformers apropo, nu mi-a displacut in totalitate, dar eram fan innrait, ma asteptam la mai mult
Cel mai slab actor al deceniului, cu siguranta .. Ben Affleck , cu toate ca Pearl Harbor a fost un film frumos , Cea mai slaba actrita.. pai .. sa-l imparta toate cele nominalizate, il merita din plin, in aceeasi masura 
Rectific , “Cea mai slaba actrita a deceniului” , sa-l imparta toate
Si sa-i dea putin din el si domnisoarei Fox , pe mine cel putin m-a terminat cu talentul ei actoricesc :))
O prostie intr-adevar District 9. Inca odata mi-am dat seama cat conteaza sa ai un trailer f bun. Dupa primele 20 de minute,nu am mai inteles nimic. Singurul lucru bun care s-a intamplat dupa filmul asta? M-am decis sa-mi cumpar Vaio.