Crema actorilor la Hollywood Film Awards


ooooo 460x345 Crema actorilor la Hollywood Film Awards

Zilele trecute a avut loc cea de-a cincisprezecea ediţie a premiilor Hollywood Film , care s-a desfăşurat în Beverly Hills, California. Marii câştigători ai serii au fost George Clooney, Best Actor pentru rolul său din The Descendants şi Michelle Williams, Best Actress pentru My Week With Marilyn. Când şi-a acceptat premiul, Michelle a a rostit următoarele cuvinte: All that Marilyn Monroe ever really wanted was to be taken seriously aş an actress. She never got the recognition she craved. Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows Part 2 a fost alegerea publicului în ceea ce priveşte categoria Movie of the Year.

Doar prin numele său, festivalul ne duce cu gândul la toată crema de actori pe care o are Hollywoodul, printre care: Anne Hathaway, Carey Mulligan, Joseph Gordon-Levitt, Christoph Waltz, Emma Stone, Ben Affleck, Owen Wilson, Ewan McGregor şi mulţi alţii.

Mai jos aveţi o listă completă a tuturor câştigătoriilor, dar şi imaginile de la festival.

Hollywood Actor Award: GEORGE CLOONEY – The Descendants

Hollywood Actress Award: MICHELLE WILLIAMS – My Week with Marilyn

Hollywood Director Award:

Hollywood Supporting Actor Award:

Hollywood Supporting Actress Award:

Hollywood Breakthrough Actor Award:

Hollywood Screenwriter Award:
DIABLO CODY – Young Adult

New Hollywood Award: FELICITY JONES – Like Crazy

Hollywood Ensemble Cast Award: “THE HELP” CAST – Emma Stone, Viola Davis, Bryce Dallas Howard, Octavia Spencer, Sissy Spacek, Mary Steenburgen

Hollywood Career Achievement Award: GLENN CLOSE – Albert Nobbs

Hollywood Breakthrough Director Award: MICHEL HAZANAVICIUS – The Artist

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