Incheiem Saptamana Tom Hanks cu lista filmelor in care este prezent actorul, pentru o parte dintre acestea gasesti si un review pe
Tom Hanks a aparut in:
# The Great Buck Howard (2008)
# Charlie Wilson’s War (2007) – drama
# The Da Vinci Code (2006) – thriller
# The Polar Express (2004)
# Elvis Has Left the Building (2004)
# The Terminal (2004) – comedie
# The Ladykillers (2004) – comedie
# Catch Me If You Can (2002)
# Road to Perdition (2002) – drama
# Cast Away (2000) – drama
# The Green Mile (1999) – drama
# You’ve Got Mail (1998) – romantic
# Saving Private Ryan (1998) – actiune
# That Thing You Do! (1996)
# Apollo 13 (1995) – drama
# Forrest Gump (1994) – drama
# Philadelphia (1993) – drama
# Sleepless in Seattle (1993)
# A League of Their Own (1992)
# The Bonfire of the Vanities (1990)
# Joe Versus the Volcano (1990)
# Turner & Hooch (1989)
# The ‘burbs (1989)
# Punchline (1988)
# Big (1988)
# Dragnet (1987)
# Every Time We Say Goodbye (1986)
# Nothing in Common (1986)
# The Money Pit (1986)
# Volunteers (1985)
# The Man with One Red Shoe (1985)
# Bachelor Party (1984)
# Splash (1984)
Informatii despre Tom Hanks gasesti aici.
Forrest Gump
The Green Mile.
Dintre filmele cu Tom Hanks mi-au placut in special Saving Private Ryan si Forrest Gump.
Desigur, din lista celor de mai sus am vazut destul de putine.
In Forrest Gump e uluitoare viata eroului, care face cam tot ce poate pentru a reusi si, uluitor sau nu, chiar reuseste. E campion si la ping pong si si la maratoane.
E erou de razboi si om de afaceri de succes.
Felicitari lui!